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Rugby posts help school kids run toward their goals


The most important rugby goals kicked in Wellington rugby this weekend won't be during the Lions Mitre 10 Cup semifinal at Westpac Stadium, but in the playground at Titahi Bay North School.

That's because this Friday, October 21 is the day Wellington Rugby and Downer will jointly deliver and install the rugby posts that the children at the decile 2 school asked their principal for nearly two years ago.

Colin Tarr said the posts would fulfil a promise he made when he started as principal in 2014 and asked his students how he could improve their school grounds.

The answer from many of the 120 children on the roll was that they wished they had rugby posts so they 'knew which direction to run in' when they played touch during intervals, but the school simply couldn't afford the equipment.

Wellington Rugby and Downer stepped in, the union donating the posts and the construction experts giving their time and expertise.

"We'd love to see rugby posts in every school in Wellington so all kids can experience the thrill of running a try in under the cross bar or landing the winning kick," Wellington Rugby head of community rugby Will Caccia-Birch said. "Two years ago we began a joint initiative with Downer to install posts where possible in schools around our region and when Titahi Bay North School approached us we were more than happy to help."

Posts have previously been installed at Randwick School in Lower Hutt and Caccia-Birch said Wellington Rugby was identifying other schools in need of help.

It was important any posts were installed safely and properly, which was why Downer played an important role in the project, he said.

The posts at Titahi Bay North School, complete with post pads for safety, will be erected by Wellington Lions players along with WRFU and Downer staff, while the players will also be giving out rugby balls.

The school will mark the occasion with a special assembly where students will be proudly wearing their Healthy Heroes tee shirts after completing a programme about health and well-being.

"We are so grateful to the WRFU. They have been awesome helping us have goals to run towards," Mr Tarr said. "There are lots of goals being installed, set and achieved here at Titahi Bay North and that makes me very pleased."